Ferry service outage between Kingston and Wolfe Island
On March 26 from 0900h - 1400h and April 2 from 0900h - 1400h, there will be no ferry service between Kingston and Wolfe Island. See Newsroom for more details.Click here for more info.
Ontario Raising Speed Limits from 100 km/h to 110 km/h on Select 400-Series Highways
Starting July 12, 2024, the speed limit will be permanently raised to 110 km/h on most of the following provincial highway sections. Sections of highway under construction will be raised to 110 km/h upon completion.
Click here for more info.
Provincial Towing and Storage Oversight
As of January 1, 2024, the Ministry of Transportation established a provincial oversight for the towing and vehicle storage industry. All tow drivers, tow operators, and vehicle storage operators now require a certificate to operate in Ontario.Learn more about your rights as a customer for towing or vehicle storage services.
Restriction on Highway 60
No oversize/overweight loads to travel through the town of Douglas on Highway 60. This includes annual permits. Carriers must choose alternate routes.
Tow Zone Pilot on sections of Greater Toronto Area Highways
The Ministry of Transportation has launched a restricted towing zones pilot on sections of provincial highways in the Greater Toronto Area. Visit Ontario.ca/towzonepilot for more information.Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Update
On June 12, 2022, updates to the provincial Highway Traffic Act Regulation 555/06 (Hours of Service) will come into force. These changes will make it mandatory for commercial motor vehicle drivers who operate within Ontario to use Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) to record their Hours of Service (HoS).
There's no reported emergency at this time.
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Highway 11 near Spruce Drive

Group of clustered icons on the map. Click to zoom in and see individual markers.